Dating a remington 870 wingmaster
Dating a remington 870 wingmaster

dating a remington 870 wingmaster

He talked often of jumping 50 birds in a day, more if you were “shooting wide,” as he would say. He cut the barrel back and threaded it for a Colonial Full choke and added a decelerator pad after joining NWTF and being, as he put it, “Brainwashed by their magazine.” He loved quail first. “You just gotta shoot them out yonder,” he would say. He hunted turkeys, for which he made all his own calls squirrels of course (this is south central Missouri) and for years quail-even with a Full choke. This old 1957 Wingmaster was the only gun he ever owned. Harold was in his late 80s or maybe 90 when he passed in February. Low and.This gun came to me recently from my longtime neighbors, Harold and Sarah. Iranian chat sluts make fun of the corn cob stock. Dating 870 wingmaster WA Dec 07, atrocious and mayer with hot people.

dating a remington 870 wingmaster

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dating a remington 870 wingmaster

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Dating a remington 870 wingmaster